This section is for our material on Mormonism, which is one of our special areas of focus..
Special Essays
The Epistemic Value of the Mormon Internal Witness
What Joseph Smith Failed to Restore -- if Joseph Smith was restoring original Christianity, why did he miss certain important things?
A Critical Evaluation of the Prophecies of Joseph Smith
Contradictions and Harmonizations in Mormon Scriptures
On Mormon Splinter Groups -- Mormons point to division within Christendom as evidence for the need for restoration -- but they have their own problems in that regard
Mormon Theology
The Mormon Doctrine of Salvation -- should be read in light of our article here on the relation of faith and works
The Mormon Doctrine of Christ -- article dealing with verses and ideas particularly used by Mormon; should be read in light of our general treatment of the issue of the relationship between Father and Son
The Mormon Rejection of Creation Ex Nihilo
The Mormon Doctrine of Postmortem Evangelization
The Mormon Doctrine of the Aaronic and Melcizedek Priesthood
Mormon Internal Evidences
Izapa Stela 5 and Popular Mormon Apologetics
Reviews of Mormon Books
Latter Days by Coke Newell [Review]
Restoring the Ancient Church by Barry Bickmore [Review]
Offenders for a Word by Stephen Ricks and Daniel Peterson [Review]
Mormonism: Faith of the Twenty-First Century by Edward Watson [Review]
Biblical Mormonism by Richard Hopkins [Review]
A Different Jesus by Robert Millet [Review]
Teaching Resources
The Mormon Defenders -- our ministry resource -- request via
Response to the review of The Mormon Defenders in the FARMS Review of Books
Other recommended books on Mormonism